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Upcycled Tomato Basket Into Jewelry Holder

Transform a humble tomato basket into a stylish and functional jewelry holder with this easy upcycling project. By repurposing an everyday item, you can create a unique piece that adds a touch of creativity to your space. The woven design of the basket provides the perfect structure for hanging and organizing your favorite necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. With a coat of paint or some decorative embellishments, you can customize the jewelry holder to match your personal style and home decor. This DIY project not only helps reduce waste by giving new life to an old item but also allows you to showcase your accessories in a creative and organized way. Upcycling the tomato basket into a jewelry holder is a fun and eco-friendly way to add a touch of charm to your bedroom or dressing area.

Upcycled Tomato Basket Craft Supplies:

  • 3 Plastic Tomato Basket
  • String (I used cooking twine)
  • 3 Applique Flowers (Mine are handmade from plastic bags)
  • Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks (Only need one stick)
  • Scissors

First, thing you will want to do is lay all three tomato baskets flat side by side.

Then taking the end of your string tie the bottom part where two baskets touch together.

Carry the string over to the next spot where the next basket touches and tie that one together. Then wrap the string around each corner and each little divider you come to. Keep doing that around until you get to the top divider. Took me five times around to get to the top. Yours will depend on how thick the string is that you use. When you run out of string (because you can only work with so long of a section at a time.) you can simply just tie together another piece.

When you get to the last row and back to the start, start wrapping it over the top rung. Do that two times around.

After you have wrapped the top rail, tie off at the top in-between the two baskets. Then leaving about 5 to 6 inches of string, tie off in-between the next two baskets. This will make a loop so that you can hang it on the wall, door or wherever.

Next, you will want to glue your appliques in place with the hot glue gun. I put mine in the bottom right corner on the flat side facing you. I used three that are three different sizes on mine. But you can really play around with it to make it your own, use as many as you want and put them wherever you want them.

That is it! You now have yourself a handy upcycled tomato basket jewelry holder. You could keep it or even give it as a gift, with maybe a pair of earrings hanging on it.

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