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Mini Watermelon Bags

These compact watermelon bags are perfect for on-the-go snacking or packing in lunches. Each mini watermelon bag is designed with a juicy watermelon, making it easy to enjoy the beauty of this refreshing fruit anytime, anywhere. Whether you're heading to the beach, going for a hike, or simply need a quick and convenient snack, these mini watermelon bags are a beautiful and convenient option.

What supplies do I need to paint Watermelon Bags?

  • Acrylic Paints
  • Small Canvas Bags
  • Martha Paint Brushes
  • Black Permanent Marker

How to paint canvas Watermelon Bags

To start painting your miniature canvas bags, first cut down a disposable paper plate to fit inside your bags so the paint does not bleed through. You could also use a few sheets from an old magazine or a piece of poster board for this.

Next, select at least two shades of green acrylic paint and about three shades of pink/coral paint.

I started with the outer green rind first. Use your darker green shade first and paint a simple arc pattern.

Then come back in with the lighter green color next. 

Follow the same concept for the fruit portion of the watermelon. I started with my brightest neon pink first, then a rosy pink color and the center (or corner of the bag) I used a gorgeous coral color.

After the paint had dried, I used a black permanent marker to draw on three watermelon seeds.

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