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Crochet Bacon and Pancakes

Crochet bacon and pancakes are absolutely adorable and delightful creations that bring a touch of whimsy to the world of crafting. Picture these tiny yarn strips carefully woven to mimic the sizzling, crispy edges of bacon and the fluffy, circular shapes of pancakes. The skill and attention to detail that go into making these crocheted goodies truly show the creativity and artistry of the crafter. Whether you're a crochet enthusiast looking for a fun project or simply someone who appreciates the charm of miniature food items, crochet bacon and pancakes are sure to bring a smile to your face and brighten up your day with their quirky cuteness.


-food colored yarn (I used caron simply soft (worsted) because that’s what I have a bunch of at the moment

-G hook

-yarn needle

-stitch holder


So pancakes are basically flat circles. I looked up a bunch of free patterns for pot holders and noticed a strong theme of 6’s, so I went with that as my base for my pattern.

Make sure to make two, that what you get a top and bottom. These will be sewn together to make a pancake that is less flimsy.

R1: sc 6 (I use the magic circle method to create my loop)

R2: 2sc in each stitch (12)

R3: (1 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (18)

R4: (2 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (24)

R5: (3 sc, 2sc in next stitch)* repeat (30)

R6: (4 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (36)

R7: (5 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (42)

R8: (6 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (48)

R9: (7 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (54)

R10: (8 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (60)

R11: (9 sc, 2 sc in next stitch)* repeat (72)

Tie off. Repeat to make other side.

Once you have both sides you can stitch the two together. I used a contrasting yarn so that it would stand out and look like the side of a pancake. You could always use the same color if you want. I also contemplated making a “burnt” side that was darker, but I thought it whoever I give it to might not find it as amusing.


So for the bacon I really was just winging it. I saw a couple of other patterns for bacon, but I just didn’t think they were wavy enough (one was like a corkscrew, which I thought was a little over the top). They also tended to switch back and forth between colors and I thought that would be a real pain to do on something so small. My pattern used just one color and then used stitching to add the white.

R1: chain 21

R2: sc 21

R3: sc 21

R4: (1 sc, 5 sc in next stitch, 1 sc)* repeat until end and tie off

At this point one side will have ruffles, so flip it over and do R4 again on the other side (where beginning chain is), and tie off at end.

Now you just gotta weave in your ends the best you can so they aren’t all over the place. I’m kind sloppy at this, but I think you should be able to find a way.

For the stitches I didn’t go straight down the middle, but kinda in the holes the “fans” created. I left a tail at the beginning and then tied the end tail to the front and tried to hide it as best I can.

So that’s really all there is to it.

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