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DIY Custom Gift Bags from Wrapping Paper

Creating custom gift bags from wrapping paper is a fantastic way to add a personal touch to your gifts. Not only is it a fun and creative craft project, but it also shows the recipient that you put extra thought and effort into their gift. By choosing a wrapping paper that matches their style or interests, you can make the gift-giving experience even more special. Plus, DIY gift bags made from wrapping paper are not only eco-friendly but also budget-friendly! So, the next time you're wrapping a gift, consider crafting a custom gift bag from wrapping paper for a unique and thoughtful presentation that will surely bring a smile to their face.


  • Wrapping paper
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • 1-hole punch
  • Hot glue and glue gun (not pictured)

Step by Step: How to make a gift bag out of wrapping paper

First, cut a rectangular sheet of wrapping paper a little over twice as wide as you need your gift bag to be.

Next, fold the paper in thirds across the width, creasing the edges. Unfold.

Now match the edges in the middle, overlapping slightly. Crease the folds.

Step 2:

Next, fold up along the first crease created when the bag was folded in thirds. This will create the final fold needed for the “accordion” sides of the gift bag. Unfold, and flip these flaps so they sit inside the bag rather than outside.

Using hot glue, adhere the seam of the bag where the edges overlap. Next, fold the bottom of the bag up to create a crease, then unfold.

Now fold the bottom of the bag as you would a paper airplane, bringing the bottom corners to the middle seam. Crease, and unfold. 3

Step 4:

Using the diagonal creases created in the last step as a guide, fold the bottom of the bag like you would a present. Glue the bottom tabs in place.

Next, punch two holes on each side of top of the bag.

Feed ribbon through the holes. Use hot glue to affix the ribbon in place, or knot the ribbon inside the bag. Done!

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