Coffee Filter Leprechaun
Creating a DIY Coffee Filter Leprechaun is a fun and creative way to add a touch of whimsy to your St. Patrick's Day decor! This charming DIY project is perfect for kids and adults alike, making it a delightful way to celebrate the festive spirit of St. Patrick's Day. Enjoy crafting your own adorable Coffee Filter Leprechaun and let your imagination run wild!
What you need:
- Coffee Filters – Dollar Store
- Washable Markers; Orange, Yellow and Red – Dollar Store
- Glitter Glue Gold – Dollar Store
- Wooden Clothespins – Dollar Store
- Craft Paper; Green and Orange – Dollar Store
- Wiggle Eyes – Dollar Store
- Glue Sticks – Dollar Store
- Gallon Size Zipper Bag OR Metal Baking Sheet Pan – Dollar Store
- Craft Paint – Pink, Kelly Green and Peach
- Glue Gun
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Paintbrush
- Water Spray Bottle
How to Make the Coffee Filter Leprechaun Craft:
Flatten round coffee filters, and color completely with orange washable marker. Add in some yellow and red. Place on a gallon size zipper bag or metal baking sheet pan and then mist with a water spray bottle. Set aside to dry.
Once dry, fold orange coffee filter in half. Apply gold glitter glue in a swirl pattern over the entire folded coffee filter. Set aside to dry.
Paint bottom one-third of the clothespin with peach or light pink craft paint. Paint the top two-thirds of the clothespin with green craft paint.
Draw and then cut a mustache shape from orange craft paper with scissors. Attach mustache to bottom of clothespin and wiggle eyes just above using glue gun and glue sticks. Using the end of a paintbrush add a dot of peach craft paint for the Leprechaun’s nose.
Cut a rectangular hat brim from green paper and glue to clothespin where the green and flesh tone paint meet. Draw a square of gold glitter glue above hat brim as a buckle.
Once glitter glue is dry clip the clothespin Leprechaun head onto the coffee filter beard.