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Pinecone Indian Corn Craft for Thanksgiving

If you're looking for a fun and festive activity to celebrate Thanksgiving, why not try making Pinecone Indian Corn Crafts? You can get creative with embellishments like beads or felt leaves to make each Pinecone Indian Corn unique and colorful. Whether you're crafting solo or with loved ones, this simple yet charming project is sure to bring joy and a sense of togetherness as you prepare for the Thanksgiving season. So gather your supplies, unleash your creativity, and let the crafting fun begin!

Materials for Pinecone Indian Corn Craft

  • Pinecones
  • Smaller pompoms in various colors
  • Scissors
  • Liquid glue or hot glue gun
  • Raffia, corn husks, or crepe paper streamers

Directions for Pinecone Indian Corn Craft

1. Push pompoms into the various spaces of your pinecone. Most likely you won’t need glue for this, but you can use glue if you feel your pompoms are not secure.

2. Add the top to your Indian corn.

Older kids can use a hot glue gun and raffia or corn husks to make their tops.

Cut some raffia or corn husks for your tops.

Hot glue the raffia pieces to the top of your pinecone.

Optional: Use a single piece of raffia to tie the bunch together.

Trim off the ends.

Younger kids can use colored crepe paper to make their Indian corn craft tops.

  • Cut some strips of crepe paper. Cut them in half if they are too wide.
  • Glue them to the top of your pinecone.
  • Once dry, you can scrunch them up.

Use your Indian corn craft to decorate your Thanksgiving table at home or in the classroom!

Tips and Other Ideas

  • Have real Indian corn out for the kids to observe and feel. Discuss the colors. Use these as models when creating your own pinecone Indian corn craft.
  • You can also print out pictures of all kinds of colorful and gorgeous Indian corn you might not have access too.
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